10 Plagues of Egypt and its relevance now - Book of Exodus

5 min readJun 16, 2020

The 10 Plaques in Egypt is so synonymous with the current situation going around the world. Let me reiterate the story and you decide whether it really makes sense now.

All you need is reverse the storyline and let it start from plague no 10 first

Plague no 10: Death of the Firstborn

Here, the Coronavirus has affected all around the world killing many people around and especially the elderly ones and if you see them in a different context these are actually the First Borns in the family.

Plague no 9: Darkness

It states that the place will be dark and no one will be able to see each other. In this context, due to coronavirus, we are unable to see each other physically. Everyone is locked down in their homes. This is surely a dark time of our lives since humans are social animals who like to interact with others, losing jobs and livelihood and the overall economy is also down.

Plague no 8: Locusts

The current Locusts attack on the vegetation started from East Africa and migrated towards India, destroying a large number of crops which run into billions of dollars of loss to many countries in the way. This started in Feb 2020 and still going on as of June 2020

Plague no 7: Hail

The hail storm is mentioned as the 7th Plague but there is a current list of storms which are caused due to cyclones. Nisarg is one such cyclone which is in the Arabian sea and moving towards north Maharashtra and Gujarat states in India. A powerful cyclone Amphan also killed many people in Kolkata originated from the Bay of Bengal. Other parts of the world are also facing similar situations and in the Atlantic region forecast in 2020 by weather.com says there will be more severe hurricanes than previous years in 2020.

Plague no 6: Boils

The boils here refer to load on the existing health infrastructure. Even in this, the reference was given that due to this Pharaoh's magicians were not able to meet Pharoah. Doctors and health officials are the most vulnerable group since they are in constant touch with the patients. If this group gets infected there will be no one to cure people who are infected by the disease. The boils here refers to something which is about to burst soon and that could be the current health infrastructure.

Plague no 5: Disease on Cattle

The cattle are already in stress due to lockdown no one is able to take care of them and at some places, the diseases affecting the livestock like bluetongue virus in European regions, bird flu in China and India killing a massive number of cattle and livestock.

Plague no 4: Flies

This plague is a possibility when we start international flights again, and people will resume travelling thus leading to the next wave of the disease. There is a prediction that the second wave will be deadlier than the first one.

Plague no 3: Lices

Lice are insects which live on your blood, similar to bloodsuckers which can suck everything from your body. These could be a metaphor for the economy going down and people taking advantage of others who are less fortunate. As if this is going on for decades as few rich control the wealth. In this situation also a few rich will control and exploit others. They will take advantage of the system by getting cheaper deals, cheaper labour, manipulating prices, reducing services at the same cost etc. They will suck in all the juice possible from the economy and become richer and wealthier. You can cross-check this by looking at the net worth of rich people had increased in the times of coronavirus where the rest of the people are losing jobs, wealth and peace of mind. This could also be supplemented with many billionaires becoming richer during this time, find the article here and 2nd article here.

Plague no 2: Frogs

This could be a metaphor for regional and territorial distresses since for frogs defined to the pond is their world and they are more concerned about what is happening around them. The regional distress could be due to intolerance due to racism, castism or religion. This is seen around the world but a single incidence inflates it a large level where both the parties start hating each other and causing chaos, no one is right or wrong in this it is just intolerance leading to events and eventually destruction.

Plague no 1: Water turned into Blood

The Arctic Oil Spill from Russia turned the sea red, the Lonar Lake in India turned pink due to algae and Mumbai creek turned pink by the migration of Flamingoes and there are many others mentioned in the blog on pinterest.

These could be few examples of Water turning red or red like but it feels this plague would be a metaphor for a World War like situation, it seems there is activity across the world on disputed borders or trade wars. China and the US are in a trade war, China is trying to expand its influence in the South China Sea, Hongkong and Taiwan dispute on China’s interference and China and India dispute in Ladakh region. Also, there is unrest in the European Nations due to economic distress. This could lead to a full-scale war which would lead to many deaths and thus the metaphor water turning into blood. This could be the last and final blow of the plague before we again build up ourselves to live peacefully. However, I am hoping that it limits to the former part of this plague and not latter.

This could all be a prophecy and all could be just speculation and not actually true but it is surely seen that History Repeats Itself !!!




Hands-on Technologist and Enterprise Architect with 15+ yrs. of experience working across Investment Banks, Stock Exchanges, Media, Telecom and Cloud Computing